The Education department administers the post secondary program ensuring that the students’ needs are met within the policies. The department also provides the Nation’s liaison for education services up to grade 12 for on Reserve students attending off Reserve institutions.
Swan River First Nation band members have a lot of capacity in the area of education. We have a number of teachers, and individuals with degrees and masters degrees in education. We also have an Education committee made up of some of those educators. Any Swan River members that ever need advice or someone to advocate on their behalf in any matters that have to do with education are encouraged to talk to the committee. Call the band hall for more information or check the monthly newsletter for committee meeting times.
Education Staff:
Education Manager: Paula Cardinal
Principal: Charlene Hunt
Cree Language teacher/coordinator: Esther Giroux
Teachers: Gail Bellerose, Lee Rafuse, Deborah Pennyfeather, Melissa Davis
The school has several other positions filled primarily by band members.

Proud moment as Esther Giroux, who has a masters in Education, and Principal Hunt wrap Dallas Hunt in a star blanket in recognition of him receiving his Doctorate, on the table is a drum that was also given. Both the drum and blanket were made by band members.
Swan River First Nation ASETS Program (formerly Human Resource Development) assists First Nation members living on Reserve in finding and maintaining employment.
The program provides services in a manner that communicates respect for the culture as well as the economic and community development of the person and the community as a whole.
Swan River School
The student population is approximately 26, with 3 certified teachers and 4 support staff. The low student teacher ratio offers increased opportunity for enhanced learning with flexible and individualized programming and support. Emphasis is placed on Cree Culture, with many activities, experiences, and field trips that support learning in this area. A breakfast and hot lunch program is provided on a daily basis at no cost to students. Starting in the 2017-18 year there will also be an increase in land-based learning including cultural activities.
Students at the Swan River school also have access to an after school drumming and dancing program. This is also open to other band members.