Community Profile
Swan River First Nation is an original signatory of Treaty No. 8.
Swan River has two reserves No. 150 F at Assineau River and No 150 E at Swan River. The latter is the main reserve and is located approximately 50 kilometers driving distance west from the Town of Save Lake off of Highway 2, surrounding the hamlet of Kinuso, Alberta. On this Reserve are the Nation’s Administration Offices, Health Center, Group Home, School, Creeland Park Campground, and almost 100 houses.
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada statistics state that, as of April 2012, Swan River First Nation has a total registered population of 1198 people, of which 374 currently live on Swan River Reserve.
The Nation operates all the available programs funded by Indian and Northern Affairs, Health, and Human Resource Development Canada. It also operates three wholly owned corporations and is involved in numerous other corporations.
There are over 50 full and part-time staff members and contractors that carry out a range of functions. The annual operating budget is about $10 million and the assets (net of liabilities) total approximately $6.9 million.